到现在为止, many of us who are able to are staying at home as we all do our part to minimize the spread of the COVID-19 virus, 而其他人则继续为我们的社区工作. 全州48名ACTA工作人员目前都在家工作, 我们正在优先发展替代节目. We are grateful for the broad and deep traditional arts community of relationships across California, 以及我们继续为你们服务的能力.

每天都有挑战、艰难的消息和对未来的疑问. 取消活动对经济的影响, 表演, 培训机会, 教学活动, and 编程 across the arts field has already taken a toll on so many artists and organizations in our community. The loss of our ability to gather together and share space with one another has been a unprecedented blow.

But we have also been reminded of how our traditional practices are so deeply rooted in the home, 在家庭成员之间的亲密关系中. We are reminded that these practices and expressions have survived generations of change and upheaval. 我们被提醒,在他们的核心, 传统艺术具有适应性、生动性和弹性. They root us in shared history, but they also help us to grow in uncertain times.

Our practice as public folklorists and cultural workers builds on the strength of community and artist leaders. 这次也不例外. We will continue to lean into these strengths as we support California’s cultural traditions and tradition bearers through advocacy, 机构的支持, 以及技术的新用途. ACTA has been participating in statewide and national advocacy strategy calls, working to ensure that folk and traditional arts are part of the overall arts recovery agenda. We have been urging fellow funders to practice radical flexibility and trust-based philanthropy toward artists and organizations whose needs are changing every day. 同理心、敏感性和适应力仍然是我们工作的核心.

Read on to learn about the resources, 编程, and support ACTA is offering during this time.



ACTA Roundtable on National COVID-19 Funding Opportunities for Arts Organizations

为应对COVID-19大流行, ACTA has offered several free online events for artists and arts organizations focusing on relief funds and recovery aid available to those affected by COVID-19. 点击查看这些在线圆桌会议的录音:

Are you a current ACTA Living Cultures grantee or Apprenticeship participant?

If you are currently a 2020 Living Cultures grantee or 学徒计划 participant, 我们知道你今年的计划可能会有变动. 我们承诺在这段时间内保持灵活和支持. Our program managers will soon be sharing some updates and resources to help you navigate your Living Cultures grant or Apprenticeship plans for the coming months–keep an eye out for a communication from them next week. 像往常一样,只要给我们的项目经理发一封电子邮件或打个电话就行了.  我们在这里支持你!

lilyk@globalwavecorporation.com | (415) 346-5200

Jennifer Joy Jameson,项目经理
jjameson@globalwavecorporation.com | (760) 805-8002


At ACTA we believe that social distance doesn’t have to mean social isolation. 这就是为什么我们推出了一系列新的直播视频,我们称之为“住所在一起.” 接下来的几个星期, 我们将为您带来现场表演, 示威活动, and words of wisdom from traditional artists across California on our social media channels!

Banteay Srei的同辈和代际烹饪班的参与者. 照片:Khin Swe Win.

加入我们 Instagram脸谱网 every Wednesday and Friday at 12 pm to witness how artists are continuing their traditional practices at home.  我们已经收到了来自rómantico音乐人玛丽·阿尔法罗的来信, 菲律宾库林堂艺术家Bernard Ellorin和Kim Kalanduyan, 2020年西非击鼓学徒配对, 卡里•卡明斯 还有托尼·威廉姆斯,还有其他很多人!

Keep an eye on our 脸谱网 and Instagram pages for the latest news on the 住所在一起 series and to see who will be presenting next!

请查看完整的 这里是住所在一起档案馆.

Top photo (L to R): 2019 ACTA apprentice Kim Kalanduyan and mentor artist Bernard Ellorin, 2020 ACTA学徒Mary Alfaro(图片来源:Jenny Graham), 以及2020年ACTA学徒托尼·威廉姆斯和艺术家导师卡明斯.

Bagdouma Park ECV 2014East Coachella Valley文化资产地图


In an effort to support traditional artists and organizations affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting loss of bookings, 编程, 和收入, ACTA has compiled a shortlist of funding and readiness resources including information about federal relief funds available through the CARES Act. This page will be continually updated as new funding and support resources become available.


截至3月27日, 2020, 国会通过了一项重大的COVID-19救援计划, 预计将由总统签署, 其中包括:

  • 7500万美元捐给国家艺术基金会
  • 7500万美元用于国家人文基金会
  • 7500万美元用于公共广播公司
  • 5000万美元捐给图书馆和博物馆科学研究所
  • 2500万美元用于肯尼迪中心
  • $7.给史密森尼博物馆五百万

We will continue to work with our partners at the national level to ensure that traditional artists are supported through this relief funding. We’ll keep you updated on opportunities for direct funding that become available as a result of the stimulus bill.

Other key resources available to the arts community through the bill include Community Development Block Grants that will be disbursed by cities and counties, Small Business Administration emergency loans that will be available to non-profits, 独立承包人, 自雇人士, and expanded Unemployment Insurance that includes coverage for furloughed workers, 自由职业者, 零工经济工人. You can learn about these new opportunities and more about the arts component of the national relief bill 在这里 .

Your Cultural Work Under Quarantine: Send Us Your Stories, Questions, Opportunities, and Ideas!

We want to know how the stay-at-home measures have affected your traditional arts practice or cultural work! 你和你的社区面临的最迫切的需要是什么? 正在出现的新机会是什么? 为应对2019冠状病毒病,您是如何调整工作的?

hg体育官网! 你可以使用 这种形式 to send us your update and let us know how ACTA can better serve you in during this time. This is not a survey–it is just a pathway for you to reach out to us directly. We’d also love to see your photos and videos of how you’ve adapted your traditional arts practice at home! 你也可以随意分享任何虚拟课程, 表演, 或者其他ACTA可以帮助你推广的在线机会. 让我们保持联系!

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The Economic Impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on the Arts and Cultural Sector

如果你还没有, please make your voice heard by filling out the Economic Impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on the Arts and Cultural Sector survey from Americans for the Arts . 只需要五分钟, and the information will directly impact emergency funding advocacy efforts at the national level.


